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Accessible NEAs

Object/Trajectory Details

This page provides some details about the selected target NEA (near-Earth asteroid) and related mission/trajectory parameters. The first three tables directly below show parameters specific to the selected NEA. The Mission Trajectories Table provides information for two mission scenarios to the target NEA: one for the minimum delta-V mission and one for the minimum duration mission (in some cases the two missions may be identical). The plot of total mission dV as a function of departure date and roundtrip flight time (mission duration) summarizes the many potential mission trajectories. Note that these mission trajectories span a range of possible stay times at the NEA, though this cannot be shown in a two-dimensional plot. Please consider the assumptions and caveats related to these data.

Object Details
Object: [[nhatsObjDetails.fullname]]
H: [[nhatsObjDetails.h]] n.a.
Est. Diameter: [[nhatsObjDetails.min_size]]-[[nhatsObjDetails.max_size]]m n.a.
Orbit ID: [[nhatsObjDetails.orbit_id]]
OCC: [[nhatsObjDetails.occ]]
Viable Trajectories: [[nhatsObjDetails.n_via_traj]]
Next Observability Opportunities
Optical: [[nhatsObjDetails.obs_start | limitTo : 7]] [ [[nhatsObjDetails.obs_mag]] ] none
Radar (Goldstone): [[nhatsObjDetails.radar_obs_g | limitTo : 7]] [ [[nhatsObjDetails.radar_snr_g]] ] none
No constraints were defined!
Stay: [[constraints_name.stay]]
Launch: [[constraints_name.launch]]
Total dV: [[ constraints_name['total dv'] ]]
Total dur: [[ constraints_name['total dur'] ]]

Mission Trajectories Table

[[nhatsObjDetails.fullname]] Min. delta-V
Min. Duration
Total Mission delta-V (km/s) [[minDV.dv_total]] [[minDur.dv_total]]
Total Mission Duration (d) [[minDV.dur_total]] [[minDur.dur_total]]
Outbound Flight Time (d) [[minDV.dur_out]] [[minDur.dur_out]]
Stay Time (d) [[minDV.dur_at]] [[minDur.dur_at]]
Inbound Flight Time (d) [[minDV.dur_ret]] [[minDur.dur_ret]]
Launch date (YYYY-MM-DD) [[minDV.launch]] [[minDur.launch]]
C3 (km2/s2) [[minDV.c3]] [[minDur.c3]]
Departure Vinfinity (km/s) [[minDV.v_dep_earth]] [[minDur.v_dep_earth]]
Earth Departure dV (km/s) [[minDV.dv_dep_park]] [[minDur.dv_dep_park]]
dV to Arrive at NEA (km/s) [[minDV.vrel_arr_neo]] [[minDur.vrel_arr_neo]]
dV to Depart NEA (km/s) [[minDV.vrel_dep_neo]] [[minDur.vrel_dep_neo]]
Earth return dV (km/s) [[minDV.vrel_arr_earth]] [[minDur.vrel_arr_earth]]
Entry Speed (km/s) [[minDV.v_arr_earth]] [[minDur.v_arr_earth]]
Depature Declination (deg) [[minDV.dec_dep]] [[minDur.dec_dep]]
Return Declination (deg) [[minDV.dec_arr]] [[minDur.dec_arr]]
NHATS Trajectory Solution ID [[minDV.tid]] [[minDur.tid]]

These data were computed on [[computed]]
using the latest available orbital parameters.

Total Mission delta-V as a Function of
Departure Date and Mission Duration

The plot above shows total mission delta-V as a function of Earth departure date and total round-trip flight time (mission duration). It summarizes the many potential mission scenarios by plotting, for each case, the total round-trip delta-V values (color-coded) required for each launch date and round trip flight time considered. Note that these trajectories span a range of possible stay times at the NEA.
The plot above shows total mission delta-V as a function of Earth departure date and total round-trip flight time (mission duration). It summarizes the many potential mission scenarios by plotting, for each case, the total round-trip delta-V values (color-coded) required for each launch date and round trip flight time considered. Note that these trajectories span a range of possible stay times at the NEA.
Machine-readable data are available. See the API document for details.
Misson Trajectories Table Parameter Descriptions  |  [[legendButtonText]]
Total Mission delta-V (km/s)
The total mission delta-V in km/s. This total delta-V includes the maneuver required to depart a notional 400 km altitude circular Earth parking orbit, the delta-V required to match the NEA's velocity at arrival, the delta-V required to depart the NEA, and the delta-V (if any) required to control atmospheric entry speed at Earth return.
Total Mission Duration (d)
Total mission duration in days. The total mission duration includes the outbound flight time from Earth to the NEA, the stay time at the NEA, and the inbound flight time from the NEA back to Earth.
Outbound Flight Time (d)
The time-of-flight in days from the Earth parking orbit to the NEA.
Stay Time (d)
The number of days spent at the NEA.
Inbound Flight Time (d)
The time-of-flight in days from the NEA back to Earth.
Launch date (YYYY-MM-DD)
The calendar date on which the mission would depart Earth, in year-month-day format. The time of day is always 00:00.000 UTC.
C3 (km2/s2)
Charateristic energy of the hyperbolic trajectory departing the Earth parking orbit. [ C3 = (Vinfinitiy)2 ]
Departure Vinfinity (km/s)
"Velocity at infinity" or "hyperbolic excess velocity" of the hyperbolic trajectory departing the Earth parking orbit.
Earth Departure dV (km/s)
Delta-V required to leave the Earth parking orbit and reach the target NEA with some velocity relative the the NEA denoted "dV to Arrive at NEA".
dV to Arrive at NEA (km/s)
Velocity of the spacecraft relative to the NEA upon arriving at the target NEA.
dV to Depart NEA (km/s)
Velocity of the spacecraft relative to the NEA upon departing the target NEA.
Earth return dV (km/s)
Delta-V required (if any) to slow the spacecraft velocity relative to Earth upon Earth return to ensure atmosphere entry speed is below some specified threshold.
Entry Speed (km/s)
Atmospheric entry speed at Earth return.
Depature Declination (deg)
Earth departure declination; declination of launch asymptote.
Return Declination (deg)
Earth return declination
NHATS Trajectory Solution ID
Reference ID of the particular mission/trajectory.

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