By default, a geocentric (code=500) ephemeris is generated at the current time with no limiting magnitude and no field-of-view (FoV) constraint. FoV center fields (RA and Dec) are only valid for single-time ephemerides. Start and stop time must be within 30 days of current time. For a multi-time ephemeris, the Stop Time and Time Step must be selected to ensure no more than 100 steps are requested.
Time UTC |
RA (hms) |
Dec. (dms) |
dRA (″/min.) |
dDec (″/min.) |
Rate (″/min.) |
PA (deg) |
V (mag) |
Elong. (deg) |
Moon (deg) |
Elev. (deg) |
POS (′) |
FoV score |
Plot and Details |